Fairy Sandwiches- A Perfect Back to School Lunch Surprise
New starts are always a time to celebrate. Send your student back to school with a fun, festive packed lunch with these quick & easy Fairy Sandwiches.
Every year we give our kids the choice to pack a lunch, or to buy one in the traditional lunch line. Up until now, all of ours have always opted to buy. They also sounded genuinely happy with their choices.
You wouldn’t imagine the hoops I have to jump through, just to view the darn menu. There’s no one ‘click all’ on this button and the menu pops up. No, they have to make it hard. Which I don’t even understand.
Maybe they’re secretly trying to convert more kids to packed lunches?
Either way, this year, we’re on board! I mean I remember going to school, and I always bought lunch. I was happy, my parents were happy. It was the best of both worlds!
Then again, we actually looked forward to lunch time, and what the lunch ladies were serving. It may not have been healthy, but it sure was delicious.
Now the lunches are just trying to adhere to government guidelines with literally no consideration for taste. Nope. Ain’t happenin’ here.
I have a son. Yes, I have a son. Matter of fact, I have four of them- but one’s a rising Junior in High School. The other is going into the fourth grade. He’s the best parts of everything. He has this beautiful sense of mysticism, and also a pragmatic side.
For example, he whole-heatedly believes in the tooth-fairy, but he asks inquisitive questions about why that particular entity didn’t come by when our dog lost a tooth.
I may not have all the answers when certain things come about, but I love that he’s still innocent enough to enjoy Fairy Sandwiches.
He’s totally into any sandwich, especially one that happens to include peanut butter. My son knows nothing else. Well he does, but this simple sandwich pleasure has stood the test of time for him, and easily won out as his favorite.
He’s been told he’s wrong a time or two recently, because he likes peanut butter.
Let’s let that sink in. He’s eight. I get peanut allergies, and the need to be aware and compassionate about them. But my child should still be able to enjoy his favorite sandwich. It’s a slippery slope, and while they do start early- this is one that I hope to enter into with caution and awareness, not just all out ‘nope’.
The youngest son is so excited to start a new year at a new school- so naturally he will be getting something special packed in his lunch box. What better way to celebrate the big day than with a super simple, but equally special fairy sandwiches?!
It’s super simple. Kids adore them. And they’re ridiculously easy.
I’ve seen, and even follow, the Facebook pages and Instagram feeds of the mega moms who make magnificent creations and picture-scapes from everyday items for their kids every day. They’re awesome! Let’s be honest though, that’s never gonna be me.
Luckily, with these fairy sandwiches I get the best of both worlds. I get to feel like super Mom, without any extra effort or time. Who doesn’t want that?!
To make these sandwiches, you need a few slices of bread. Use a cookie cutter to cut out your desired shape. Pictured, we did hearts. You could also opt for stars, or even an number if you were making a special lunch to celebrate a birthday.
The bottom slice of bread is left whole, and spread with creamy peanut butter. You could also swap the peanut butter for nutella, not as healthy but so delicious. Another good substitute is good old fashioned marshmallow fluff spread.
Next, you spread your favorite jelly out evenly over the top of the bottom slice. Mmmm. Top the sandwich with the cut piece of bread. Fill the whole with sprinkles. If sprinkles don’t work, we’ve also done mini chocolate chips or mini m&m’s.
A yummy peanut butter sandwich, with a sweet surprise, these Fairy Sandwiches are the perfect way to add a little bit of fun into your child’s packed lunch.
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If you’ve tried these FAIRY SANDWICHES, or any other recipe on my site, let me know in the comment section how it turned out, we love hearing from our readers! You can also follow along with me on PINTEREST, FACEBOOK, and INSTAGRAM to see more amazing recipes and whatever else we’ve got going on!

Fairy Sandwiches
- Two slices of bread
- Jelly
- Peanut butter **Also works great with cream cheese or Nutella!
- Jelly
- Small cookie cutter
- Sprinkles for cookies
- Place cookie cutter on the corner of one slice of bread and press down.
- Spread your filling along with jelly on another slice of bread.
- Now place the slice on top and fill cut out area with a thin layer of sprinkles.
- If making night before, place in sandwich bag and refrigerate.
These fairy sandwiches look so cute! :)
I’m sure my 3.5-year-old daughter would love them. I’m surely going to try these out, maybe with a couple of different ingredients.
The sandwich looks super cool..I’m sure my kids love this idea…Happy Fiesta Friday