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3 Ingredient, DIY Facepaint

Halloween came and went again this year, and like every other year, the sons’ didn’t disappoint with any of their creative costumes.

Son #4 as Kristof from Disney’s Frozen


Has Kristof ever looked so cute?! At some point soon I will get a tutorial up for any of you other Mama’s with another son obsessed with the frosty flick.

Son # 3 decided to go as Scarecrow from Batman. The hubs and I had fun putting our heads together helping him make his mask.


While he may have terrified several young neighbors, I know the cheeks under that mask.

And then we have Son #2


The. Hulk.

Don’t get him started on the 6 going on 8 pack that he’s developed and is spending every wrestling practice honing ;) This was the perfect costume for him this year.


I should have seen it coming. I should have been better prepared.

What happens when a 5 year old sees his Bubba’s gone green and masquerading as one of his favorite Marvel characters? Yes, he immediately wants to be green too. I was able to fend off the giant mega meltdown when I said no by pointing out that we were ready to go trick or treating and he was already dressed as Kristoff. Did he want to miss out on any candy? No. Crisis averted. Actually… diverted. Since the very next day he woke up at the break of dawn to come badger me about being green.

Son #4 had really bad eczema when he was younger, so we had to be really careful about anything we applied to his skin. This led us to coming up with many homemade alternatives, even to things as simple as face-paint. Because what kid doesn’t love to paint on or be painted on?! Even though he’s aged out of most of his skin issues, I still air on the side of caution. So, homemade face-paint it is for him. Shoot, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Son #2 found his body paint at the grocery store for $1.50. Score! We were both pretty dang pleased with that price point.

So, if your kid’s Halloween costume calls for a painted face next year, or your just looking for a bit of indoor fun this Winter, take caution when considering the stock at your local Halloween/Costume store that’s likely loaded with toxic ingredients and allergens. Instead make your own face paint, using three simple ingredients that will neither harm the planet or your precious little ghoul or goblin. What’s more, you probably have both of these ingredients already.

This recipe produces a creamy paint that is easy to apply and easy to remove.

3 Ingredient, DIY Face-paint

 Easy DIY Facepaint

food coloring, or washable, non toxic paints
baby lotion
pallet/plate for the face paints


1. Mix together two heaping teaspoons of cornstarch with one teaspoon of baby lotion. Add a few drops of food coloring, or a dollop of paint, and mix together well until you have reached the desired consistency. For a thicker paint add more cornstarch and to make it runnier add more baby lotion, or water, to the mixture.

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  1. All adorable pics. :) Is son number one too old for trick or treating? Love the idea for homemade face paint – I was looking for something for my son’s costume this year that wouldn’t irritate his little face. I’ll have to keep this in mind if next years costume involves face paint!